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Old 12-08-2013, 11:40 AM
HHI 812 HHI 812 is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 27
Had one in past, in a 11-1/4" stainless encore barrel, with SSK Super brake. Kick myself for selling it, and didn't work with it much then. But a couple weeks ago, was lucky to find another used one in auction, and won it. A day later, won another auction from a different seller, a set of Hornady 50 American Eagle die set. He told me he found the new die set collecting dust in a local gun shop. When I contacted SSK for load data, only info I got was with AA#9 powder, with 650 gr ball bullet, max velocity was 1042 fps, 24.0/#9 from a 16" barrel. I couldn't find any #9, but tried some 2400. Borrowed a chrony, which wasn't working much probably due to cloudy, freezing conditions, but did get a medium load to chrono 3 shots at 922 fps. Buddy gave me some samples of a 460 gr LFN from a buddy's LBT mold he was casting. Tumble lubed the unsized bullets with some Lee lube. Tried some 296 and MP-300,
and got just shy 1400 fps withe the few loads I tried. Could probably go faster, but didn't load that much, lacking any data to work off from.

Last edited by HHI 812; 12-09-2013 at 03:24 AM.
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