Thread: USMC Buck+
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Old 03-28-2013, 01:36 AM
Jay Talbot Jay Talbot is offline
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Location: South-East Queensland
Posts: 6
strap loss

Hi,In regards to the strap loss,I have a few Aussie ones the same.

I picked up one that had been fixed by removing the steel rivets, unraveling the webbing then resewing the strap back on.Then the webbing has been rolled up and reattached using brass push together cutlers rivets.

It looked like a one-off modification,until I found another three done the same way.The seller told me he did the mods to all the ones I had in my collection plus about another twenty or thirty.He told me that the handle would wear the stitching away during movement until it just fell off.

I have a mint Gen 2 that has very loose strap stitching,so maybe that is why some fall off as well.

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