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Old 03-01-2013, 06:02 AM
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Rikky Lee Rikky Lee is offline
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30 BR/302 Whisper - finally cracked it!


I have been away a while because the 30BR was not working and was wasting time, money and effort. The vertical at 100 yards was beyond frustrating.

But great news. I have broken down how to get it to work.

As long suspected Trail Boss powder is the key. Another shooter had worked out the load that worked for him after I had explained what I had done and what I had experienced as a result.

The load is 12 grains of Trail Boss in the 30 BR case under a 240 grain Sierra Matchking.

The velocity is about 1020 fps.

Have shot two groups. Both about 2.5 inches and round in shape - no vertical stringing.

The load of 12 grains fills the BR case into the neck. The key is to seat the 240 grain SMK long. My OAL for the cartridge is now 2.6 inches.

Have also shot fur with it, and the SMK appears to have tumbled as the exit wound was big and ugly.
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