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Old 11-14-2012, 02:11 AM
Misfit-45 Misfit-45 is offline
Join Date: Jul 2012
Posts: 32
LanCay Shallow Fuller? What's the verdict?

Hello Folks,

Here is a side by side comparison of two LanCay M9s. Both are early contract (right after the Gen Cut blades. Both are hollow ground blades. Both, of course, have fullers.
The M9 in question is the lower one in the picture. It’s fuller is narrower than the one on the top and has a depth of .07 inches. The top M9 has a fuller depth of .10 inches. The books and internet say the depths should be .12 for the deep fuller and .06 for the shallow fuller.
I would suspect that an argument could be made either way as to the rarity of this particular “shallow fuller” M9.

If it is NOT the rare shallow fuller M9, it’s because the margin for error in fuller depth is +/- .06 inches. Since this “shallow fuller” is .07 inches, it falls within the margin of error for the regular issue fuller depth.

If it IS the shallow fuller, it’s because the fuller measures 1/100th of an inch off the mark for the required shallow fuller depth. Literally close enough for government work. Not to mention that my measurement could be a hundredth off as well.

You be the judge. What's the verdict? Thanks in advance.

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