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Old 11-08-2012, 05:03 AM
d-mon d-mon is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: NZ
Posts: 165
Very nice rig.
It is funny, Because in the early 90's a French sound moderator manufacturer kind of borrowed the 500 whisper of Jd Jones to create the 510 Anthis.
The first few rifles were produced on the base of the erma SR 21 I believe.
Which was a modular receiver with barrels in 308, 300win mag or 338 lapua.
And stopson were chambering their own barrels in 510 anthis for that rifle. there used to be one for sale in an old Shotgun news in the USA.

I believe the firm Erma evolved to produce this:

That was early 2000.

So the the Desert tactical is certainly a good rifle, made in USA, but nothing new under the sun.

The Principle of clamping the barrel in the receiver and having the bolt locking into the barrel is from the 80's I believe.
That design was used by Giles Payen, the father of the PGM ultima ration (1990 production for the first few ones)

Sauer was also using that design on their Sauer 90.

Just a bit of history for those who might be interested...
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