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Old 10-30-2012, 01:43 AM
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amafrank amafrank is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 197
Wow, things have sure slowed .338BR

The board hasn't moved for a while...looks pretty slow. Here is a few pics to maybe light things up again.
The Desert Tactical SRS with the new short handguard and a barrel I just finished in .338BR. The can is for my .338Lapua Mag barrel but works great on the junior .338 round especially in subsonic mode. There is a picture of the .338 BR round loaded with a 200gr Hornady SST at about 1900fps working up toward 22 or 2300fps, a 300gr SMK at 1060fps and the old standard .308 winchester for comparison. This rifle is a quick change barrel type and the bolt, barrel and mag are swapped for cals with different rim sizes. There are 3 bolt faces available to fit most rifle rounds. .308 and its derivatives, 300 win mag and .338 lapua mag. I'm working the oddballs here and have .338LM/12.7X48 (510w equivalent) along with the .308 bolt and a .338BR/6.5X47(if I can come up with some brass for the 6.5) and who knows what other rounds I'll barrel it up for.

By the way, the pictured barrel is a pacnor 1-8" twist 5 groove stainless with a 17" length. Looks a lot shorter doesn't it?

Last edited by amafrank; 10-30-2012 at 01:52 AM.
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