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Old 05-22-2006, 07:35 AM
Hardegg Hardegg is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2006
Posts: 12
SMK vs RN (pics)

This isn't very scientific but I found it interesting and thought some of you might as well.
I finally got around to loading some Hornady 220 gr interlocks to try in my AR15 300/221
I loaded them subsonic and went to chronograph them, But I also compared penetration on an old Iron at 25 yrds
The bottom hole is 220 Gr Sierra Match King, Most of the bullet didn't even penetrate the base only appears the core did. It left about a .22 cal size hole with a very small exit hole.

The next hole up (in the middle) is the 220 gr Hornady interlock, nice 30 cal hole and the bullet deffinatly expanded inside of the iron. If you look real close you still probably can't see the small exit hole from the SMK on the back picture.

I am going to try these at 100 yrds next time out for accuracy. They functioned fine in my.

Oh BTW the top hole is from my buddies .475 pistol
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