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Old 05-22-2006, 02:28 AM
cntrailrider cntrailrider is offline
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Join Date: May 2006
Location: El Paso
Posts: 15
RLL in a Stag Rcvr?

Howdy -

To introduce myself, Steve from El Paso. 51 and a fan/owner of transferrable Mac's Reisings Uzi's, AM180's and now HK's. I guess you would call that being diverse with no pattern. Well the pattern was collecting, as my budget would allow.

Quarterbore, you have probably the most comprenhensive site I've seen on RLL's and DIAS's. After reading for many hours (days) I finally bought an SWD link from a dealer in VT. F-4 should clear any day now. I bought it as an investment, AND to play with. $6400 four months ago was not a bad buy for a RLL, compared to how DIAS's have shot up recently.

Question: Has anyone installed one, WITH SUCCESS, in a Stag Arms lower? Immediately after the ban sunset, I built a pistol using a Stag, Kittykat upper & Ace pistol buffer to make it a legal pistol (rcvr was papered as a pistol when I picked it up, new) The flash & boom on that pistol is alot of fun. Recently built an HK51k too (Love that flash & boom stuff)

I own a DPMS 20" but have no intentions of installing my LL in that one, since it's my primary "good" weapon in .223 - nor can I swap that lower to my Kittykat upper and remain legal, since the lower IS the rifle.

Back to the Stag - done alot of measurements in it, and it doesn't look as though the RLL will have space enough to 'move' beneath the upper's rear lug, without doing some milling. I've read every post on this I could find; it seems it will need 1/8" clearance from the lug to the rcvr 'floor'. Not to mention I have a standard DPMS BC.

Has anyone milled a Stag lower, WITH SUCCESS, to host a RLL?

Could use some knowledgable input on this before experimenting by the seat of my pants, and ruining my lower unnecessarily. This will be my first RLL installation.

I just registered to your forum today, and having a 'new kid' pop in asking all about LL's & conversions is not looked upon as kosher on most boards - I invite you to do an inquiry on Sturm, Subguns, etc. just to clear the air.

Thank You - I'm anticipating some helpful advice

Steve W in El Paso

Last edited by cntrailrider; 05-22-2006 at 02:52 AM.
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