12-14-2004, 07:55 PM
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Valley Forge, PA
Posts: 1,598
Originally Posted by sgt mike
Right now I am having trouble locating the cartrige drawing on the 338 Whisper based on the 7mm BR cartrige.
My Thoughts on the barrel is to have a AR-10 barrel bored (broached) to 338 caliber 1-7 to 1-8 twist, reamed for the 338 Whisper, and headspaced with a AR-10 bolt with a length of 16-1/4".
Then to modify a FAL Bolt carrier to carry the bolt forward, drop against the locking shoulders and then rotate to provide lock up, this would help eleminate the FAL inaccuratcies by design and provide front and rear lock up once in battery.
Using the AR bolt I will however have to mill the ejector off the ejector block, or as Quarterbore simply stated use the existing hardware. which I would then be in the market for a washed out FAL barrel, and then locating a insert chamber which would be the most cost effective I'm sure of.Hummm $200 to ATF.........
Originally Posted by sgt mike
Just got of the phone with SSK they have already tried the FAL in 338 Whisper in a test gun. The results was mixed bag and basically was not worth the effort accurcy was not enhanced, the gas system itself leaked too much coupled with a noisy bolt operation the signature was not actually reduced.
they offer the 300 and 338 Whisper 16.5" Encore blue barrel fer a mere $405