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Old 04-29-2006, 11:33 AM
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keith__davis keith__davis is offline
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 34
For the record i was wrong !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was wrong!! Back a few years ago I setup a machine to turn .223 brass in .300 whisper brass to feed my shooting habit like most here I fell in love with that little round. My intent was to provide myself with a cheap yet plentiful source of brass. Via my contacts here on the internet and local gun shows at first I did trade limited amounts for bullets, primers, powder etc…it got to the point I’m selling it to feed my next toy.
To date I have sold little over 300,000 rounds. I have had to work out a couple issued with trim length but in the long run all were happy. I no longer advertise my brass for repeat customers and word of mouth keep me busy, for I only do this on a part time basis. Well things around home as of late have been crazy, work called me out of town, had a death in the family and the resent storm we had here in Tennessee took most of my roof. With that my priorities have been, to say the least have gotten out of order. I did shipped three orders late. Also I did state I was out of remington brass and was shipping federal brass. The federal brass is the Eagle brand from a police department and comes with a FMJ bullets and crimped primer pocket. I could understand how one would take it to be military brass based on the crimped primer pocket. It’s my understanding that military brass is just that military brass and manufactured at Lake City and comes with a LC head stamp. The federal eagle brass comes with a FC 04 head stamp and I have removed the crimp. But I won’t let my reputation ride on the last three orders. Things are some what back to the norm here. With that Wally in the mail Monday will be a full refund and 500 rounds of remington .300 whisper primed brass, please just throw out the federal brass you took as military brass. I stated I was out of remington brass, this is brass I had set back for myself. Again I was wrong and my intent is to make things right and my end state is your happiness with my brass. If you have recieved brass from me and your not happy please contact me, for i will make it right!!!!

I’m Sorry !!!!!!! David Davis

Also with that an understanding of my name and email address. My name is David Keith Davis. I wanted in intergrade my name in my email address and was taken so I settled on there was a question about that, also that is two underscores between my name not one, for the one with one underscore was taken also.
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