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Old 12-14-2004, 07:52 PM
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Quarterbore Quarterbore is offline
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FAL Receiver Differences: Type 1, Type 2, and Type 3 photos

I have had a few people E-mail me asking what the differences are between the Type 1, Type 2, and Type 3 FNFAL receivers. I consider myself a FAL beginner as well but following is some information that I am borrowing from DSA's Website that helps show the differences:

Type 1: Original production version of the F A L select fire rifle

Type 2: Essentially the type 1 with a little extra metal left in the rear half of the receiver. The extra metal was needed to correct a cracking problem that arose as a result of firing the type 1 in full auto mode.

Type 3: Final design that was adopted to cut production cost.

Inch type receiver (pic credit: Entreprise)

Following are words of wisdom from Blag on

Type 1 is the original. It has a distinctive pattern of lightening cuts to lighten the receiver. Type 2 was introduced for extra-heavy-duty machine gun use in military service; they found that cracks would occasionally appear at the rear of the receiver in such use - they changed the cuts to leave some full-thickness steel in that area. Notice the rear scallop on the Type 2. From the civilian point of view, for semi-auto use, the difference is cosmetic. Type 3 omits the lightening cuts as a cost-saving measure. The Inch receiver has a different mag well lightening cut, but is otherwise like a Type 1. There are also differences in machining at the front sides, in the barrel thread area. That varies a little by both Type and manufacturer.

The inch/metric difference is significant - because of the difference in magazines - but otherwise choose the appearance, or price, you personally prefer.
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