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Old 08-15-2012, 08:14 AM
Crawdaddy Crawdaddy is offline
Join Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 55
Sounds to me like your Lead shaving issue calls for more flare on the case mouth. Have you tried belling the case like you would a pistol/revolver case? Lee makes a universal die for the purpose.

Also, try using something other than the lee FCD or back off on it a bit. If you're using cases formed from 223 that have not been inside or outside neck turned, the FCD is going to size the bullet in the case. The brass will spring back after this sizing, leaving your bullet to spin in the case.

I'm still playing with mine, but I was able to minimize lead shaving by using a trimmer pilot that also inside turns the necks. I'm seating and crimping with 2 separate dies, if I recall correctly.

Also, imo this isn't really a high velocity/high pressure round if you're loading subsonic. In One of my early tests (posted around here somewhere), I shot a 200gr lee made from clip on wheel weights that was water quenched through 1/2" OSB, 2 gallons of water, and into a couple of 2x6s leaned against the water jug. After exiting the first 2x sideways and embedding itself in the second 2x, it was so hard that it could have been reloaded and shot again.

You should be able to shoot air cooled clip on wheel weights to subsonic speeds fine as long as the bullet fits the bore. The FCD can mess you up here by sizing it down through the case.

I highly recommend spending some time on the castboolits forum to learn more.
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