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Old 07-10-2012, 04:55 PM
ohnomrbillk ohnomrbillk is offline
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 78
50 American Eagle

JD made these along time ago.

It uses the 50 AE case of Desert Eagle fame. It is necked up to 510 to shoot BMG ball projectiles.

He turned the case head down to 7.62x39 size. This makes it a shortened 50 Beuwolf, although I think it predates the Beuwolf iirc.

He ran this as a single shot in an ar15.

IIRC, this ran AA#9 powder, and was limited to subsonic use.

JD's load data has a COL of roughly 2.95"

It is similar to Spook's EBG and the many 510 WSM variants, only a little shorter.

Has anyone here had experience with this round? I have questions concerning case forming.
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