Let me start by posting a link to the
Lightning Link page that has been on my site for several years now. This page is fairly complete but I have finally managed to purchase and finish the NFA Transfer process to receive my own rLL and I have been sharing the experience in other forums and I am bringing all the details here so that I can compile them and to update the LL page on the website.
Note, this thread is going to look a bit dyslexic until I can pull the various topics together...
Making a select fire kit for my Bushmaster lower...
To make a select fire kit you need the M16A2 burst kit. This sells new from Bushmaster for $60 and I used a cheaper surplus set I bought.
Here is the Bushmaster kit...
Now, to use the select fire kit in an AR-15 with the LL you will need to neuter the hammer. This is necessary as the rear of the hammer will hit the link and you don't really want a full auto hammer in a semi lower anyways. Here is how mine looks now...
The other thing that you will need to do is remove the forward hook that interacts with the burst cam. I screwed one of my burst kits up on my first go at this as I failed to realize that you need the forward portion of the disconnect to rest on the forward portion of the trigger. Following is a pic...

Larger pic
It is important to realize that you need the M16A2 hammer as it has a much wider area for the disconects to catch the hammer which is needed with the two disconects this system uses. Also, I elected to leave the Burst Cam attached to the hammer. Perhaps I will later remove it and replace the hammer spring with a standard M16A1 spring but it works as it is.
Now, to make the kit selctive fire you simply notch the disconector that interacts with the selector so that when the selector is placed in the semi position both disconects catch the hammer. In this position the notched disconect is not tripped by the link and I get semiauto fire. When the selector is moved to the "Auto" position, the notched disconect is pulled out of the way and the hammer is caught ONLY by the un-notched disconect which the link trips and I get Rock & Roll!
This only took about 30-minues to do and that was with some careful thought (or lack of in the case of one disconnector)... Hope this helps!