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Old 01-13-2012, 02:55 PM
sten668 sten668 is offline
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Posts: 26

30-06 with ten grains of Unique with a 110 plinker will give me 1250 fps with a 22in
98 Mauser.
This is the only jacketed bullet I have fired in it with reduced loads. I used it for fox/coyote calling.
I played around with a Lyman 311284 220gn cast from WW and think I got down to about 6 grains of Unique before it started to keyhole at 75yds.
Then I got into the 300wtf and I use 6.3gn of Unique with the same 311284 for SS loads out of a 17 inch barrel.
When I started with jacketed bullets I stuck more than one in the barrel. I stuck one so that more than half had exited. Be careful, chech the bore after real quiet shots, then pore some oil down the bore go watch an old John Wayne movie and then try the cleaning rod and a mallet to get it out.
Good luck, have fun and be careful.
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