Thread: My 25x45 AR
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Old 12-28-2011, 10:42 AM
7.62 Nato 7.62 Nato is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: Michigan
Posts: 6
All very good information. Thanks for taking the time to write that down, and the links. Although I don't really plan to get into "wildcatting", I find the information and development fascinating. My limited experience and resources will have to be satisfied by "different" cartridges for now. I'm currrently looking at the 300 BLK and varients, 6x45, and I believe there is a 6x45AI (still need coffee) that is close to the 6TCU. Not sure if the latter will work through unmodified AR mags. I like the other 2 because of simplicity and commonality of parts in the AR.

I consider myself a novice reloader and am still going by the recipes in the books. I just wanted something a little different to play with. I'll see which combinations work best for me.

Thanks again.
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