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Old 12-26-2011, 11:33 AM
al redneck al redneck is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: B'ham, AL
Posts: 14
Question Best oal for 300 blk from AI mags

I am running AI mags in a Rem 700 with Sako extractor . I can load to approx 2.4 = just touching the lands with Hornady 225 Match bullets . I ran some ss 147 gr loads to break in the barrel . When I tried a few of 225 gr bullets .005 off rifling sd was good but the bolt would override base of cartridge occasionally . I thought oal might be responsible . If I work the bolt from prone with shorter oal , feeding improves (seems to be 100%) . If I try offhand and rapid bolt manipulation , the problem reappears . I have tried down to 2.280 oal . I am stumped . Anyone have any ideas . Thanks .

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