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Old 12-26-2011, 10:34 AM
pwcosol pwcosol is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 161
Regarding the tang, look at some of the earlier threads under BUCK M9 or LanCay. You will find some references to the solid-tang trials bayonets. Here is one link: The complete thread design appears to be used on the BUCK examples. However, except for the one pattern still utilizing a screwbolt to secure the blade/pommel cap, they were secured by a rivet (BUCK USMC) or welded (LanCay USMC/USA) and not meant to be serviceable.

I would agree $150.00 is a lot of money for a bayonet if it fails in it's purpose. Ontario M9s are usually available in new condition and can be had for around $100.00 on sites like Ebay. In addition, often moderately used examples turn up from government DRMS auctions for about $25.00 less than that on the same venue. IMHO if I wanted one M9, I would look for an excellent Phrobis 4-line. You should be able to find one for around the $150.00 paid for the Ontario. Regarding the wire the M9 was required to cut in the 1986 trials, don't have the specifics (although I thought someone had given me a strand). I am pretty sure Bill Porter (one of our M9 Gurus) may have the answer...

Last edited by pwcosol; 12-26-2011 at 10:51 AM.
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