No, not the tip of bayonet was bent, that was chipped, in a fashion similar to if someone had just ground the tip of with a bench grinder.
Right where the tang threads into the rod was where the bend-thread bind was, making the rest of the bayonet extending beyond the handle look slightly offset in angle to the handle. A funny thing occured while I was reassembling the handle.
When I tightend the bolt which holds the handle assembly of the bayonet on to the rod right up with only an alan key, I heard a thread-cracking sound as if the rod was tightening more onto the blade and now everything looks straight! Unlike when I first took the bayonet out of the sheath.
All this has me concerned about the 'flat' thread employed, I would of gone with a full thread myself!
^ ^ And appending to my original post, I would buy and use M9s if I could get them for around $40 bucks, but I would be happier with my investment of $150, if they did have a full thread, or even better, a full tang like the M7!
P.S. Did you recall those army solicitations mentioning anything about reinforced Razor Wire?