Thread: My 25x45 AR
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Old 12-24-2011, 09:33 PM
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My 25x45 AR

Saying hello, basically I am a quarter bore whore myself.

I have a 25x45 barrel made for me by BlackHole and I have been doing lots of work with it. Its a sweet shooter. Just basically re-size, load, and squeeeeeze. Been shooting mainly Sierra 70gr BK's but I did kill a deer a month ago using a 100gr SP. Very accurate so far with just about everything I have shot out of it. Its a 20" varmint contour, crowned. Right now I have it topped with a Nikon M-223. Jewel trigger in it.

Been using quite a few different powders working with it but currently using the New AR-Comp powder from Alliant. So far so that deer season is over I hope to be able to post up some coyote pics as the season progresses. I have only chrono'd a few as I am firmly in the accuracy trumps speed camp but I did get 2926fps with Sierra 70gr BK's and H335 25.3gr.

My Son took a Coyote in New Mexico

Last edited by KAG; 12-24-2011 at 09:39 PM. Reason: spelling
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