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Old 12-24-2011, 06:26 PM
320pf 320pf is offline
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Originally Posted by rsilvers View Post
Before BLK, you generally had a requirement for an adjustable gas system to shoot subsonic and full power ammo in the same rifle. You also had reliability problems due to bullet/magazine compatibility. That is all fixed now - taking the concept to the next level.
This statement is not true either. ALL of the barrels that I designed and built do NOT "require" an adjustable gas system to shoot subsonic and full power ammo in the same rifle. My barrels can shoot subs with bullets as light as 165 g and supersonic loads. Typical velocities (from a 16" barrel) for a 150 gr and 125 gr bullets using loads listed in the Sierra manual is 2000 fps and 2250 fps.

Originally Posted by rsilvers View Post
True some guys set up their guns like that, and used A1680, but others did large port and could not shoot full power ammo. With Remington making subsonic ammo, Noveske changed their port to be compatible with the new ammo, and dozens of makers standardized on this configuration.

As for loading short - that is no longer needed. I got Sierra, Barnes, and Remington to make new bullets designed for 300 BLK and meant to be loaded to full mag length.
This is/was another solution to a non problem. Any of the "long" for weight bullets like the Speer 125 TNT, Nosler 125 Ballistic Tips, Berger 115, 125,135 gr match bullets etc... can be loaded to mag length. The Speer 125 TNT and the Nosler 125 BT all expand at the 300 WTF supersonic velocities.

Below are 125 gr Speer TNT loaded to mag length in a Bets-C mag. I shot this configuration at a few 3-gun matches about 4-5 years ago. I did not have any problems! With the exception of 110 gr bullet, I have never had any problems loading to mag length.

Maybe if you had come on this site when you first released the 300 AAC Blackout and simply thanked all of the 300 WTF wildcaters/developers here and acknowledged their efforts and expressed what a valuable resource that they created for you and your company AAC, you would not be getting such a bad time from folks.

Another suggestion. It might help if you substitute "we" for "I". For example:

"We have worked with Sierra, Barnes, and Remington to make new bullets designed for 300 BLK. etc..."

This might also help.

I would like to thank you for the contribution that you and AAC have made to this cartridge.
We are looking forward to see some new products.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Last edited by 320pf; 12-24-2011 at 06:33 PM.
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