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Old 12-24-2011, 12:20 PM
rsilvers rsilvers is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2010
Posts: 482
The new generation of bullets offer some benefits - the UMC is able to be loaded as long as 5.56mm ammo, as we did a large radius ogive designed to contact the magazine just right. Also, the reason it can be so long (to fill the mag to keep the rounds from sliding around, and to have a higher BC) and still be just 115 grains is the air pocket in the noise, like the Russian 7N6 bullet:

The bullet is made like an OTM - sealed at the bottom, but then the nose is struck closed. The Sierra 125 Match is also like this. As well as two others due very soon, and then four more due later in 2012.
R&D for AAC
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