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Old 12-23-2011, 11:40 PM
320pf 320pf is offline
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Get used to it!

Originally Posted by rsilvers View Post
Why do you guys call 300 BLK 300 WTF? The final SAAMI standard is established and has arrived. The final name is known. It is 300 AAC Blackout.

It has picked up the moniker 300 WTF because this cartridge has gone by many different names (300 Whisper, 300-221 Fireball, 300 Fireball, 7.62x35mm, etc…). AAC just happen to add one more (300 AAC Blackout), enough to sort of "break the camels back". So those of us that have been shooting this cartridge for quite awhile have just given up trying to keep up with all of the different names so now it is just called the 300 WTF.

I personally think that the 300 AAC Blackout is a lousy name for several reasons.

First, it is too long of a name hence another reason that we call it the 300 WTF.

Second, AAC should have done a little bit of market research on the name. The name "300 AAC Blackout" sounds like a name a pimply face mall ninja kid would come up with or a slang name for a drug that a dorky college kid would put in a girls drink… think ruffy.

You probably should have gone with a simple name like "300-221 Fireball". Similar to how Remington went with the name 25-06.

Get used to it. It seems to have "stuck"

Last edited by 320pf; 12-24-2011 at 04:16 AM.
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