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Old 12-13-2011, 04:18 PM
Riverguide Riverguide is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 24
Reloading learning curve

Here are my results from this past weekend shooting. I've done a fair amount of reloading with my 30-06, but that has always been one load, one powder and one brand if primer.

Today I am shooting my bolt action CZ-527, SSK 300 WSP 16" barrel with 1:8 twist. I made three separate loads to test over my chronograph and needed to complete the sighting in of my scope. I'm very happy with some things and very surprised about some others....

The strange thing here is the big difference in elevation. This was the first in a series and I had to make some scope adjustments but to left and right only. I was also just getting settled into my shooting for the day so I won't know how much of this is the shooters fault (assuming a lot) as compared to the loads I was experimenting with. At just over 2000 FPS, I think I need to kick up the powder just a bit, maybe 16.5 grains.

My best set. These 220 SMK's looked really good. I made no attempt to adjust for zero and was aiming for the bulls eye. Considering I was shooting on a folding chair over a wobbly folding table... this is pretty good for me. The next batch is going to be at 9.4 or 9.3 grains of powder to keep them subsonic.

Here is my biggest surprise. What a great pattern! (I was aiming for the center of the blue tape at 100 yards) but could not believe the key holing. One round literally slammed sideways. As soon as I saw this I ran back to check my can and could not see any signs of baffle strike, but that does not mean it didn't happen, there could be streaks in there. I want to back off the powder a little more to keep these subsonic on a cold day but think I really need to put more powder in to make them stable

Given my lack of experience here, I'm looking for help on this last set - PLEASE!


Last edited by Riverguide; 12-13-2011 at 07:32 PM.
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