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Old 03-20-2006, 10:20 PM
Bulletsmith Bulletsmith is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 11
Talking Hi All

Just wanted to say hi,this is Richard.I am very excited to be invited to play!!
I have had a few thoughts promted by some individuals that show insight into making a bullet that will expand .There are several tricks,jacket serrators,hollow point punches to make a open meplat even more massive,mouth serrators that basically have a x punch that scores the mouth,so it peels back and finally,fragible cores made from lead shot.If we work together I am sure that it will be possible to get exactly what is needed. I think,please correct me if I am sucking slough water,but a round nose is possibly not the best choice for yotes, a high bc bullet with a rebated boattail that will come apart and stay inside.I can buld one for the higher velocity rounds and I think with a little input from you shooters it can be done in this application as well.However I have been wrong before
I look forward to the challenge
good shooting
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