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Old 12-11-2011, 01:45 PM
Jay Jay is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2011
Location: va
Posts: 9
Looking for clean burning powder?

Hi, I've been loading for the 300 and have used the following powers, 1680, lil gun, blue dot, 2400, H110, vith110. My AR has a 16" barrel and this what I have found out so far.

blue fast won't cycle bolt... burns clean
2400 fast won't cycle bolt... burns clean
lil gun works...concerned about throat wear in rapid fire shooting..clean burning
H110...won't use ever again...blew up in gun (pressure spike, others on the forum have had same thing happen... no double or reduced charge..just boom!)
1680 works great with reduced loads + standard loads but really dirty.
vith110 won't cycle action yet... experimenting.

I am looking for a powder that works for subsonic +sonic loads that is CLEAN. There are several powders that I havn't tried and I am looking at imr 4227. Is this powder clean burning and does it work with all bullet weights in an AR.
Any powder suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks
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