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Old 03-19-2006, 09:57 PM
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Quarterbore Quarterbore is offline
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Valley Forge, PA
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I uploaded photos of my various Buck and Phrobis M9 Bayonets

I took a bunch of photos of my M9 Bayonets today and some of the photos are a little dark so I may try to get better photos on a brighter day but I have been wanting to show my small collection to you all for quite some time...

I would love to know if anything does not look correct with my knives... I believe that most of my knives are correct... Here are my Babies...
2nd Generation Phrobis M9: Note the upper loop around the handle was cut but otherwise a nice knife.
Phrobis 3rd Generation
Phrobis 4th Generation: With this knife I am not sure if this is the narrow or wide 4th Generation... I would love to have someone show the difference to me.
1991 Buck USMC M9 Bayonet: Note, I have read that the missing stone is correct for these knives and that the USMC removed them... can someone confirm this? Also, this knife did not come with a pouch but I am curious if it would be correct if it did have one?
1991 Commercial Buck 188 M9 Bayonet
Australian Buck 188 M9 Bayonet
Ontario M9 Bayonet

I have a ton of photos of my various LanCay bayonets I am trying to upload next...
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