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Old 11-27-2011, 10:20 PM
L1A1Rocker L1A1Rocker is offline
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Posts: 43
Originally Posted by rsilvers View Post
Even if the rifle bullet were a handgun bullet, it can still be solid copper. Copper is not on that list.
That is a good point. BUT, are these bullets really solid pure copper? In reality a lot of "copper" has a bit of beryllium in it, making it beryllium copper. I'm not sure about the bullets in the OP as Guncrafter Industries does not mention anything about their alloy. However, Barns says this about their alloy: "Machined from homogenous copper/zinc alloy, these indestructible bullets won’t disintegrate or deflect on heavy bone." A homogeneous alloy of copper and zinc is brass, and brass is on the list. I'm not sure what the difference between homogeneous and "homogenous" is but I suspect it is a distinction without a difference.

Edit to add link to Barns web site:
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