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Old 03-17-2006, 02:21 PM
Bigfoot Bigfoot is offline
Join Date: Nov 2005
Posts: 42
Richard emailed me this morning.

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Good morning Darrel,

you buggers have me all horned up to get a whisper now,I have been thing
about this for some time and this is not helping to quench the fire!!!!! LOL
I ran over this am and made cores for a 220 grn rbbt uld,oxidized them and
in a few hours will make a handful of bullets for some talented individual
to shoot.Any ideas on who they should be sent to ??????
thanks for your interest

Richard Graves/Wildcat Bullets.
Is there a 7mm whisper,I have 200 grn rbbt uld bullets in 7mm that would
work well I think!!!!

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Who wants to test these? I'd suggest emailing Richard and including your mailing address.
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