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Old 03-17-2006, 03:02 AM
Bigfoot Bigfoot is offline
Join Date: Nov 2005
Posts: 42
I emailed Richard and here's how it went.

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Hello Richard

I just typed out a post for the 300 Whisper forum where I reccomended your work. They mostly use 240 SMKs at close to subsonic velocities and depend on them tumbling for effect, sometimes they don't and of course they pencil through. What I think they need is a high BC, heavy for caliber, thin jacket bullet like your 210 or 225 gr RBBT, but possibly with a larger HP like Berger does with thier J-4 varmint bullets. Can you do this, or what else would you recommend? This one isn't for me but I watch just about everybodys rifle forums to see what they are up to.


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Hi Darrel,
I would be more than happy to build some bullets with the open meplat for
you,In fact I will try to do them tomorrow.How open of a meplat do you want
?????I have talked with my jacketmaker and he has most of my jackets
drawn,he is still waiting on a trim punch and I will have 30 cals up to 300

Get back to me asap on the opening size and I will see what I can get done
on a j-4 jacket,I am thinking225 grn????? We will see

Have a good nite
Richard Graves/Wildcat Bullets

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I told you this guy is awsome. He will often make bullets up and give them away free for testing, if they don't perform like the shooter wants he will change the jacket thickness and mail some more out to try again. FOR FREE.

So, what do you guys need? 300 grain bullets?

Think about the HP/meplat size and let me know, or email him and talk to him yourself.
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