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Old 11-21-2011, 12:01 PM
Rancid Coolaid Rancid Coolaid is offline
Join Date: Feb 2010
Posts: 66
I started with an 8" barrel (gas at pistol position), ,it was very loud, even suppressed and subsonic - but subs were stable. I sold the 8-inch for a 12-inch and am much happier with it. It is more accurate, much quieter, and still quite compact.

I have a friend with a Noveske running a 16" barrel (gas at the carbine position), his is louder than mine.

My gun (12" barrel) loves lil gun loads and is very quiet. The friend's likes my load but won't cycle it. His rifle likes 1680 but is considerably louder than the lil gun loads (same bullet.)

The shorter you go, the louder it gets, assuming all other things equal.
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