Thread: Bullet choice
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Old 03-15-2006, 08:19 PM
lynard lynard is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 12
The mountaind and valey sides where they tend to live over there are steep and high and the shots can be up to 450 yards i supose but when i asked the kiwis on another site i get conflicting response and i need logic and i know the .2506 and its capabilities very well but only on the things i hunt here in uk and france. Red deer and sika deer drop like they are poll axed with the .2506. i have killed a red stag at 200 yards he was 17 stone (240 lbs ) I hit him in the sholder with a sieera wait for it ...varminter 87 grain 55 grain vit 160 powder, he went down on the spot. But thats a deer they talk about these tahr like they are real tough and have thick hair and hides i just am not sure. Part of me wants to use the .2506 becouse i love the calibre but i want to be humane too, one other down side to this high ground hunting is that it could be rough on dogs so i wont have my GSP to catch them if they run still it is open ground so i should be able to find them you whould think.
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