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Old 11-09-2011, 08:15 PM
Ned christiansen Ned christiansen is offline
Join Date: Mar 2009
Posts: 31
I'd have not guessed that. I figured it was made from some milsurp 5.56 that somebody got a boatload deal on due to bad storage or something..... pulled the bullets and made Blackouts out of them. Something made it Wheredahelllia in 1983 whose factory coincidentally used an AAC headstamp. The little bit of American Ammo Co. product I've seen was headstamped "AMERC".

To me the red sealant is indeed Yugo-esque, especially if "83" is actually the vintage. Was American even up and running in '83?

Went to edit the title of the thread to properly say "300 AAC Blackout" instead of "Whisper", looks like I can't. Just a little typo caused by years of messing with the latter (a little).
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