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Old 03-10-2006, 11:25 PM
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porterkids porterkids is offline
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M9 Bayonet Collectors Club
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 675
Under normal circumstances this knife wouldn't have much going for it. It's missing the original spikes and the lanyard ring, replacement scabbard and the tip has been reshaped. Also as pointed out, the blade is rather scratched up from being sharpened. What it does have going for it is the stamp on the blade ricasso; it's upside down. This is either a mistake that slipped past the inspection process or it is a blade that came out of the factory by alternate means and was assembled by whomever owned it. I would be interested in looking inside the grip. There is a nut inside the grip that holds the grip and crossguard to the threaded blade tang. After this was assembled the bottom portion of the grip was filled with epoxy. If this knife was assembled outside the factory it probably doesn't have the epoxy fill in the grip.
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Last edited by porterkids; 01-26-2011 at 07:02 AM.
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