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Old 10-19-2011, 08:45 PM
N310toN170 N310toN170 is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 118
So after a new update CD having been shipped and a complete reinstallation of QuickLOAD from scratch followed by the update CD...same problems!

I reached out to the US based distributor who supplied the new update CD and did attempt some troubleshooting, who in turn contacted the developer. The long and the short of the email exchange is that I was told, you're on your own!

Having spent some time playing with the app and watching what repositories it was pulling from and then watching where the udpates were going...

QuickLOAD app runs from:
C:\Users\*admin*\Documents\Program Files\data\*

Update CD installs to:
C:\Program Files\data\*

Cut C:\Program Files\data\*

Paste C:\Users\*admin*\Documents\Program Files\data\*
Where *admin*= your user account ID

This is based on accepting the default directories for both the initial installation and the default update path.
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