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Old 10-12-2011, 02:07 PM
Menno Menno is offline
Join Date: Sep 2011
Location: The Netherlands
Posts: 31
Some additional information and photo's of my storage method.

After cleaning the M9 and applying a little Ballistol for protection, I cut a piece of plastic the length of the blade and 7 cm wide and fold that in half. That way you can fold it over the blade and then insert the knife into the scabbard, so it wont scratch. I forgot to take a photo of this, I will do this for the next M9 and show it here.
The plastic is simply a A4 size piece of plastic used for those old overhead sheet projectors. Ancient technology, but I saved some sheets anyway.

After that I put some packaging foam between metal and other parts to prevent it from scratching. It is simple 1mm thick foam (topfoam). It may seem overkill to do this, but I have about half a kilometer of that stuff lying around, so better safe than sorry

After that wrap I the knife and scabbard into a piece of the same foam. I then put this into a gripbag (18 by 50 cm in size). I add a label and voilą, done

I then put it into a airtight, impact resistant, low moisture military storage container with some padlocks.
My M9's will never be damaged!

Best regards,
The Netherlands.

P.S. Today I got a mint/perfect unissued Gen 2 Phrobis by mail. I will post some pictures of this one soon
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