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Old 09-22-2011, 01:55 PM
Jerryr98 Jerryr98 is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2010
Posts: 5
While I don't have a 300BLK chambered firearm I do have some input on the topic that most shooters (Roll ur On Guy's anyways) should appreciate. If you don't handload then start! If you don't have a chronograph, then get one FAST! My experience in the last 2 1/2 to 3 years of owning my 300-221/300 Fireball is that the accuracy and velocity do play on each other. And when shooting subsonic loads, I personally feel that the chrony can save you from some heartache (damaged or destroyed equipment) and even worse, Personal Injury. I have read what articles are on the net, reviewed data from other shooters and then worked to find what my rifle likes. I feel that this is a must more so with the low and slow guns when you want them to shoot good (My goal is sub MOA at 100 yards) and quiet as can be with a can. If they begin to crack then it kinda defeats the purpose of the can and the use of a close range gun.

Blah, Blah, Blah......There is not much sub data out there so be careful and pay attention to signs of excessive pressures. Look at Sierra Bullets data and find someting close to 1100fps. And work down a tenth of a grain at a time. No more than .5 or half a grain at a time. Fire 10 round strings using your chrony. Pay particular attention to the extreme spread. Most of my loads vary about 25-35fps between my high and low shots. If you start to see high extreme spreads, signs of pressure ( primers backing out, blown primers, difficult extraction) then you better pay attention. SEE (Secondary Explosive Effect) could be knocking on your door. See the thread titled KABOOM. I was a victim as well but it only cost me an extractor for my Rem 700 and lots of insecurities. But I found out the source of my problem, purchased a chrony and have had lots of fun since! My bolt gun generally shoots in the 1" range at a 100 yards but sometimes this opens up to 1 1/2" sometimes everything comes together and I might get 1/2 MOA or better. I personally feel that the suitable powders and charges are not as clean as what we would use on the supersonic side so make sure your bore is clean before you fret too much. But for putting the hurt on hogs and doing it quietly, you can't beat this caliber and spressed ability. My rifle didn't impress me at first as accuracy goes. It took btween 80 and 150 rounds to start to settle in to a nice accurate rifle. Currently I shoot my own handmade cases from virgin WW .223 brass, CCI BR small rifle primers, 7.9 Grains of Lil' Gun behind Hornday 208gr A-Max with an average velocity of 1045fps. This works well for me but I still experiment around from time to time. I am always looking for alternate loads in case I can't get a particular componet.

Now my biggest obstacle is in range estimates. Maybe that's a new topic fellows?
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