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Old 09-21-2011, 04:28 AM
Ob1 Zenobi Ob1 Zenobi is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2011
Posts: 1
Thinking about modifications

Hi there, picked up a 184 & coming up the learning curve about it. My interests in this blade are more utilitarian, I'm not concerned about losing collector value etc so don't be shocked.

It's very late, perhaps I didn't use the right search parameters or maybe no one has asked this question...(or I just missed it.)

Why is the endcap made so massively? it really adds to weight- perhaps it's for balance? doesn't seem to though. I'd think that lightening it up a bit might make it more useful.
I am thinking about taking mine to the drill press/ milling machine & carefully deepening the hole in the endcap to lighten it up. Of course the reduced inside diameter is due to the o- ring... but there's a LOT of extra material in depth beyond what would be needed if one needed to use the cap as a hammer...

I'm also looking around to see if anyone makes a custom rubberized handle cover that makes it a bit more ergonomic. Thinking about coating it with PL black polyurethane & forming my own textured grip. The steel handle gets a little rough in the hand after doing some hacking. I really like some of the firearm grip surfaces like Hogue etc but haven't found anything like it for this.
Any suggestions? Thanks for your time!
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