Thread: Air Guns
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Old 02-16-2006, 11:45 PM
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Cool Air Guns

A while back I purchased a cheap Chinese air pistol. The things wrong with it could fill a book. It was hard to cock until I polished the bolt that holds the barrel closed. Now that works very easily in comparison to its original state. Next, I tackled the trigger pull or should I say Pu...LL....whew! That was hard. First I polished the sear to remove the gritty feel. Then to get rid of the creaking sound of the sear spring coils catching on the side of the hole in the sear, I radiused the hole with a diamond pointed hone in a rotary tool. Now they slip easily into the hole as I pull the trigger. The spring also needed to be lighter so I replaced it with a spring robbed from an old ball point pen. Nice.... Finally, I reduced the sear engagement with the piston bolt. What a difference. It is not target pistol but it is now a fun one to plink with. I can hit the target without pulling the aim off trying to fire the thing...... Much better. Applause accepted here. Have fun.
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