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Old 02-15-2006, 03:08 AM
sten668 sten668 is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2005
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I have a Rem 788 with a 17 inch PacNor, 1in8 twist that I shoot the Lyman 311291, as cast (with the gas check added) out of. The lube is a homemade beeswax and lithium based grease mix. I use 5.5 to 6 grains of AA#7, Rem. BR primers, no crimp, bullet in the lands. This is subsonic at 5000 ft elevation at around 50-60 degrees F. The cast mix is 25% range bullets melted to 75% wheel weights, this is around 13-14 bh. The bullets will go through a 6 inch post at 1400 fps without deforming much, at 1000 fps depending what you hit in the backstop, you could almost load them again. I have not put this on paper but it is within minute of ground squirrel at 90 yards with the suppressor.

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