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Old 02-14-2006, 03:33 AM
Scollins Scollins is offline
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Renton, WA
Posts: 33
Sierra Matchking 240s almost got cut!

I stopped by the Sierra booth at SHOT and asked about the 240 grain MK 30 cal bullets, and the guy said that round ALMOST didn't make the cut for this year! I stopped by because Midway has been out for weeks, and I wanted to get some. He did say they saved the round, and will be doing a production run in mid-March, which should create enough bullets to last a few years (his words.)

Anyone know of any other places with the 240 in stock? Or should I take this as a sign and work up 220 grain loads instead? I really want the 240s though. I'm going subsonic, so I want the heaviest bullet I can get for 1000-1050 FPS....
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