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Old 09-03-2011, 05:19 PM
rockman rockman is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2010
Posts: 11
250 grain lead cast

Hi Threre, Just thought I would give some reports on a new load I have been playing around with. I purchased a 300 whisper mold from Accurate this was the 245 grain
Bullet design #31-245B detailolds. These weighed in at 251.6 grains with my lead.I wonted to see if I could get them to mushroom with out drilling them out so I cast them in straight lead. The first four loads shot .36 inch at 30 yards and had perfect mushroom shapes.
( shot in to fine dry sand in a 20 ltr bucket) the next loads I did half wheel weights and half soft lead. These I allso tempered in cold water to make a little harder. I just went and tryed them out yesterday. I was amazed to get
a three shot group at 50 yards reading .315 inch. These are also giving a very good mushroom. Was amazed to get this result from a cast. Almost as good as my best smk 240 gr and I still have lots of things to experament with. I had no leading at all in the barrel. I will post some picks if any one is interested.

Last edited by rockman; 09-04-2011 at 12:51 AM. Reason: spelling
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