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Old 08-28-2011, 01:56 AM
rsilvers rsilvers is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2010
Posts: 482
H110 and Lil'Gun are both bad in subs for 300 AAC BLACKOUT ARs because they don't generate enough gas pressure, so there is a wider gap between subsonic and supersonic cyclic rate and so one gas port cannot handle both as well as if the subsonic powder made more gas.

If you use A1680, then it makes enough gas to cycle close enough to the same rate as supersonic ammo.

H110 should be ok in subs for bolt guns. I have seen people say it was temp sensitive, but I have not heard of this being shown in a lab test. I do know that Lil-Gun is a high nitro pistol powder and has elevated pressures at certain temps that are significant enough that one may not want to load it to max pressure at standard temps.
R&D for AAC
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