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Old 08-23-2011, 11:11 AM
Rancid Coolaid Rancid Coolaid is offline
Join Date: Feb 2010
Posts: 66
Though these are all super-, I'll mention my experience with H110 at subsonic reloading.

I spent a good portion of last year chasing an explanation to the vertical stringing problems I had with a 16" bolt gun whisper.

Through trial and error (and the wisdom of several reloaders), I found that H110 is VERY sensitive to position in the case and to operating temperature - with small variations in these 2 factors causing fairly large variations in my chronographed velocities.

Shooting super, great, have at it; shooting sub-sonic, avoid H110, especially if you shoot in hot climates.

(Lil gun and #9, no such problems, great subsonic performers.)
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