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Old 08-19-2011, 10:49 PM
BachelorJack BachelorJack is offline
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Posts: 12
Originally Posted by rsilvers View Post
What harassment did you get? Were you selling a Whisper(R) product without paying a license fee?
Nah. No one can make a whisper product as only JD Jones has the reamer.

The lawyer for SSK was mad about 2x things.
1- I used "whisper" as a search term in my gunbroker listing.
2- I then stated a Noveske barrel was compatible with whisper ammo.

The lawyer told me I wasn't allowed to do either and needed to change it. When telling me what I was allowed to do or going to do failed for him, he contacted gunbroker, who then pulled my ad. So I re-listed it and contacted gunbroker inquiring about the legitimacy of creating an account to only harass legitimate sellers, Then I gave them links to forums where other individuals had complained about similar treatment. Maybe he lost his account. Haven't heard from him since.

You can't say your item is a whisper unless ssk made it. But you can say your item is compatible with whisper dies, whisper ammo, or whisper brass as all of those things have been made under license by third parties. You can then use "whisper" as a search term so as to link this ad to the stated compatibility with those products. Both of my uses fall under nominative use with ample case law to support my stance.

Here's my ad for any that cares:

Wasn't a big deal. Quite laughable really. I mean the guy is the lawyer and realtor for crappy homes in his little village.
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