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Old 08-02-2011, 02:21 PM
N310toN170 N310toN170 is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 118
I put together a mock up round to get a feel for OAL and case capacity, then followed up with a QL mock up as well. Here are the details:

1.575" COL (nets a seating depth of 7.63mm)

I had to get ahold of a Redding seating stem #6 to reach this short of an OAL. Their customer service (Redding) has once again proven to be top notch for both customer service as well as technical expertise.

19gn of H110 shows 99.5% case capacity and a potential velocity of just under 2400 fps. I'm not sure if this round will hold up to these velocities in a fast twist barrel but someone did post earlier of speeds ~1900 fps.

Also showing a powder burnt % of 91% indicating that this should cycle an AR but feeding will mostly likely not be reliable given the HP design and short OAL.
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