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Old 06-02-2011, 11:37 AM
Ned christiansen Ned christiansen is offline
Join Date: Mar 2009
Posts: 31
I've found the Remington 220's to be very accurate and functional. My experience with the CorBon 220's was the same, but I have not shot as many. The RUAG 220's grouped well-- but only one box's worth of experience, and they had to be fired from a Blackout chamber-- too tight in my Whisper chamber.

I do totally believe in the shorter seating depth of the Remingtons as far as eliminating magazine issues. It just makes sense. The Remingtons are also just a tad hotter than the other two, while still being subsonic, helping function. Fired side by side, the RUAGs and CorBons seem quite light.

But then sofar so good with the Hornady 110's and 208's. My understanding from Patrick Sweeney is that the 110's do well in gel.

My solution for econo-loads is cast bullets.... Oregon Trail gas-checked 200 grainers have worked very well for me.
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