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Old 01-19-2006, 06:38 PM
Scollins Scollins is offline
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Renton, WA
Posts: 33
SSK dies or Redding for 300 Whisper (300x221)?

First off, let me introduce myself! I'm a big fan of the AR, and I spend a lot of time over on (same user name.) Anyway, now that I have a Gemtech HVT 30 Cal suppressor inbound, I thought that the 300 Whisper (or 300x221) would be an ideal cartridge to use with the suppressor. I had thought about loading up some subsonic 308 to use in my AR10, but it won't cycle the bolt. So the 300 Whisper seems like a match made in heaven.

My plan is to have Randall build me an upper ( and then I'd reload for it. If I time it just right, my Form 4 on the HVT will be ready about the same time as the upper. My last Form 4 took 60 days "mailbox to mailbox."

I'm no stranger to reloading. I reload 40 S&W, 44 Mag, 223 Rem and 308 Win. I use a Dillon XL650 for the 40S&W and 223 Rem, and an RCBS Rock Chucker for the 44 Mag and 308. Since the 300 Whisper would use the same floor plate as the 223 Rem, I'll probably load it with the XL 650.

I've already ordered brass from Davis and plan on using H110 (since I have 8 lbs on hand for 44 Mag loads) and the Sierra 240 grain Matchking for subsonic loads.

Anyway, I'm wondering whose dies I should get. I can get the Redding 2 die set (FL size and seater) from Midway USA for $52 or the SSK direct from them for $68. I tried searching the forum for this information, but I didn't really see it specifically addressed. Anybody have a strong opinion one way or the other?
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