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Old 05-02-2011, 11:38 AM
LouBoyd LouBoyd is offline
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Originally Posted by BWE Firearms View Post
. I am thinking some kind of head mount so the camera will shoot what I am seeing. If anyone knows of something decent let me know.
Look for the cameras which are used by sky divers and cycle riders. They're just a small ccd color cameras mounted on the helmet and a solid state DVR in a shirt pocket. Quality is standard NTSC video with auto exposure (not night vision). They're fairly cheap, about $100 each for the camera and the DVR. They're very rugged with no moving parts. It will show wherever your head is pointed. I don't know of any civilian eye trakers such are used in military aircraft.

A motorcycle helmet plus earplugs gives bettter hearing protection than earmuff style protectors, especially with the clear plastic faceplate. I've used it with my Pauza 50 BMG Carbine. Cameras on helmets stay in place well.
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