You might consider the Elcan DgitalHunter or DightalHunter day night. One of it's settings records an mpeg video for five seconds before and affter a shot is fired The video shows the same view as the riflescope's screen.
What it is:
automatic video camera selectable, recoil or manual triggered. still camera selectable (higher res) 3megapixel CCD
Riflescope with setable and selectable software reticles.
BDC setable to match ammo ballistics.
Twilight/moonlight passive. (about like dark adapted eye).
Night scope with active IR . Range dependent on IR source.
Sensitivity auto adjusts.
No parallax problem (true for most NV scopes)
Picatinny rail mount.
What it isn't.
No built in laser rangefinder (though the reticle can be set up to work like a mil-dot rangefinder.
no built in inclinometer.
No built in wind measurement (though windage can be entered into the reticle.